Results for 'Bulgarian Interpretations Of Ancient'

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  1. Dimka Gitcheva.Bulgarian Interpretations Of Ancient - 2001 - Studies in Soviet Thought 53:75-109.
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    Bulgarian interpretations of ancient and medieval philosophy.Dimka Gitcheva - 2001 - Studies in East European Thought 53 (1-2):75-109.
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    Biblical Interpretation in Ancient Israel.Isaac Rabinowitz & Michael Fishbane - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (4):679.
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  4. Ancient logic and its modern interpretations.John Corcoran (ed.) - 1974 - Boston,: Reidel.
    This book treats ancient logic: the logic that originated in Greece by Aristotle and the Stoics, mainly in the hundred year period beginning about 350 BCE. Ancient logic was never completely ignored by modern logic from its Boolean origin in the middle 1800s: it was prominent in Boole’s writings and it was mentioned by Frege and by Hilbert. Nevertheless, the first century of mathematical logic did not take it seriously enough to study the ancient logic texts. A (...)
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    Ancient Egyptian Religion: An Interpretation.Hanns Stock - 1949 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 69 (4):239.
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    Ancient Egyptian Religion. An Interpretation. [REVIEW]Henry G. Russell - 1949 - Journal of Philosophy 46 (11):366-366.
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    Interpreting a Classic: Demosthenes and His Ancient Commentators (Book).K. A. Kapparis - 2003 - American Journal of Philology 124 (3):481-484.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Interpreting a Classic: Demosthenes and His Ancient CommentatorsK. KapparisCraig A. Gibson. Interpreting a Classic: Demosthenes and His Ancient Commentators. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2002. xii + 261 pp. Cloth, $55.This book aims to provide a comprehensive account of the ancient scholarship on Demosthenes. Gibson points out that Demosthenes was widely read in later antiquity, and this created the need for linguistic (...)
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  8. Social Change According to Bulgarian New Age.Yana Fileva - 2023 - Religious dialogue and cooperation 4 (4):61-72.
    The modern world citizen today rejects Christian morality as retrograde. Thus,a modern, syncretic, and global alternative to the human self emerges – New Age movement,which is becoming more widespread and sought after by quickly solving life’s problemsand ensuring personal happiness.The cultural Christianity of the Bulgarians facilitates the spread of New Age beliefs andpractices: the historically established “pagan Christianity” of the Bulgarians is manifestedby latent religiosity, dualistic, rich mythological demonology, and oral patriarchal tradition.At first sight, Bulgarian New Age is a (...)
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  9. Interpreting Dao (道) between ‘Way-making’ and ‘Be-wëgen’.Massimiliano Lacertosa - 2018 - In Gregory Bracken, Ancient and Modern Practices of Citizenship in Asia and the West: Care of the Self. Amsterdam University Press. pp. 103-120.
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    Interprétations Phénoménologiques de la 'Physique' D’Aristote Chez Heidegger Et Patočka.Claude Vishnu Spaak - 2017 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Cet ouvrage met en œuvre une confrontation philosophique entre Heidegger et Patočka, deux figures majeures de la tradition phénoménologique, en prenant pour fil conducteur leurs interprétations respectives des concepts fondamentaux de la Physique d’Aristote. Mais tout d’abord, le point d’accord : l’herméneutique de l’aristotélisme représente aux yeux de Heidegger et de Patočka une première entrée pensante dans l’affaire même de la pensée, où le mouvement, irréductible au déplacement d’un étant dans l’espace, désigne le procès d’advenue au paraître qui sous-tend l’éclosion (...)
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  11. Variety in Ancient Greek aspect interpretation.Corien Bary & Markus Egg - 2012 - Linguistics and Philosophy 35 (2):111-134.
    The wide range of interpretations of aoristic and imperfective aspect in Ancient Greek cannot be attributed to unambiguous aspectual operators but suggest an analysis in terms of coercion in the spirit of de Swart (Nat Lang Linguist Theory 16:347–385, 1998). But since such an analysis cannot explain the Ancient Greek data, we combine Klein’s (Time in language, 1994) theory of tense and aspect with Egg’s (Flexible semantics for reinterpretation phenomena, 2005) aspectual coercion approach. Following Klein. (grammatical) aspect (...)
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    Reading with understanding: Interpretive method in Chinese philosophy.Chad Hansen - 2005 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 4 (2):341-346.
    Sinologists tend toward self-descriptions of their methodology that suggests that they read ancient Chinese Philosophy texts and then interpret them as separate steps. The "reading" is what training in the language is supposed to enable and interpreters who are skeptical of traditional readings (e.g. the present author) can be portrayed as people who have not learned (or not learned properly) how to read. I argue here that reading in its natural sense in this context presupposes understanding, that is, a (...)
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  13. The Embryo in Ancient Rabbinic Literature: Between Religious Law and Didactic Narratives: An Interpretive Essay.Etienne Lepicard - 2010 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 32 (1):21-41.
    At a time when bioethical issues are at the top of public and political agendas, there is a renewed interest in representations of the embryo in various religious traditions. One of the major traditions that have contributed to Western representations of the embryo is the Jewish tradition. This tradition poses some difficulties that may deter scholars, but also presents some invaluable advantages. These derive from two components, the search for limits and narrativity, both of which are directly connected with the (...)
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    On the value equivalent to? in ancient mathematical texts. A new interpretation.A. J. E. M. Smeur - 1970 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 6 (4):249-270.
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    Interpreting Plato: The Dialogues as Drama.James A. Arieti - 1991 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Despite Plato's various warnings not to do so, his dialogues have been studied as systematic philosophy since antiquity. In this innovative and controversial reassessment, James Arieti argues that they should be read primarily as works of drama rather than philosophical discourse. Analyses of 18 of the 28 dialogues allow the reader to see them as integrated dramas, with all the ambiguities and uncertainties that literary works contain. As in plays generally, the arguments of particular characters cannot be seen as the (...)
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    Calvin as Biblical Interpreter Among the Ancient Philosophers.David C. Steinmetz - 2009 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 63 (2):142-153.
    God providentially guided the ancient classical authors into the perception of truths and the unmasking of errors. Even the errors they never caught are instructive. For Calvin, the only proper response to this rich intellectual heritage for a devout Christian people called to love God with their minds as well as with their hearts must always remain profound gratitude.
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    Columnar translation: An ancient interpretive tool that the Romans gave the greeks.Eleanor Dickey - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (2):807-821.
    Among the more peculiar literary papyri uncovered in the past century are numerous bilingual texts of Virgil and Cicero, with the Latin original and a Greek translation arranged in distinctive narrow columns. These materials, variously classified as texts with translations or as glossaries, were evidently used by Greek-speaking students when they first started to read Latin literature. They thus provide a unique window into the experience of the first of many groups of non-native Latin speakers to struggle with reading the (...)
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    L'interprete e il traduttore: saggi di teoria della letteratura.Enza Biagini - 2016 - Firenze, Italy: Firenze University Press.
    What is a comment? What does it mean to interpret a text? What are the skills and methods used by great masters such as Auerbach, Spitzer, Sontag, Segre, Adelia Noferi, Contini, Barthes and Raimondi in their dialogue with the ancient and new hermeneutic theories? What kind of relationship is established between message/text and commentator? What is the common ground where the act of interpreting and that of translating end up meeting? Enza Biagini wonders about these fundamental questions while, between (...)
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    Introduction: Interpreting Philosophical Classics—Chinese and Western.Andrew Fuyarchuk - 2015 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 42 (1-2):4-9.
    The essays in this special edition of the Chinese Journal of Philosophy represent a wealth of creativity stemming from the task of making connections between orientations that are geographically, historically and culturally separated from one another. This indicates that there are ways in which to land upon contextualised aspects of universality without any pretense toward universalism. In this respect, Professor Chung-ying Cheng’s onto-generative hermeneutics informs many of the ideas that find expression in the arguments. His thirty-years of research defines the (...)
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    Interpreting Maimonides. [REVIEW]T. M. Rudavsky - 1994 - Ancient Philosophy 14 (1):241-244.
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    Pour interpréter Empédocle. [REVIEW]Brad Inwood - 1984 - Ancient Philosophy 4 (1):99-101.
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    Interpretation in Religion.Shlomo Biderman & Ben-Ami Scharfstein (eds.) - 1992 - BRILL.
    Interpretation in Religion is the work of a group of contemporary American, European, and Israeli scholars and philosophers, who analyze the crucial course of interpretation in religion -- religion in general, and, in particular, Hinduism, ancient Egyptian religion, Judaism, christianity, and Islam.
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    Méthodes d'interprétation des mythes chez Platon.Fabienne Baghdassarian - 2014 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 8 (1):76.
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    Interpreting Proclus: From Antiquity to the Renaissance.Stephen Gersh (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is the first book to provide an account of the influence of Proclus, a member of the Athenian Neoplatonic School, during more than one thousand years of European history. Proclus was the most important philosopher of late antiquity, a dominant voice in Byzantine thought, the second most influential Greek philosopher in the later western Middle Ages, and a major figure in the revival of Greek philosophy in the Renaissance. Proclus was also intensively studied in the Islamic world of the (...)
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  25. Psychological Eudaimonism and Interpretation in Greek Ethics.Mark Lebar & Nathaniel Goldberg - 2012 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy:287-319.
    Plato extends a bold, confident, and surprising empirical challenge. It is implicitly a claim about the psychological — more specifically motivational — economies of human beings, asserting that within each such economy there is a desire to live well. Call this claim ‘psychological eudaimonism’ (‘PE’). Further, the context makes clear that Plato thinks that this desire dominates in those who have it. In other words, the desire to live well can reliably be counted on (when accompanied with correct beliefs about (...)
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    Aristotle on How Animals Move: The de Incessu Animalium: Text, Translation, and Interpretative Essays.Andrea Falcon & Stasinos Stavrianeas (eds.) - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    The De incessu animalium forms an integral part of Aristotle's biological corpus but is one of the least studied Aristotelian works both by ancient and modern interpreters. Yet it is a treatise where we can see, with some clarity and detail, Aristotle's methodology at work. This volume contains a new critical edition of the Greek text, an English translation, and nine in-depth interpretative essays. A general introduction that focuses on the explanatory strategies adopted by Aristotle in the De incessu (...)
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    Literary Interpretation in Plato’s Protagoras.Ruth Scodel - 1986 - Ancient Philosophy 6:25-37.
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    Rhetoric's Questions, Reading and Interpretation.Peter Mack - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book aims to help readers interpret, and reflect on, their reading more effectively. It presents doctrines of ancient and renaissance rhetoric (an education in how to write well) as questions or categories for interpreting one's reading. The first chapter presents the questions. Later chapters use rhetorical theory to bring out the implications of, and suggest possible answers to, the questions: about occasion and audience (chapter 2), structure and disposition (3), narrative (4), argument (5), further elements of content, such (...)
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    Logic and Interpretation: Syllogistic Reconstructions in Simplicius’ Commentary on Aristotle’s Physics.Orna Harari - 2021 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 24 (1):122-139.
    In this article I explain three puzzling features of Simplicius’ use of syllogistic reconstructions in his commentary on Aristotle’s Physics: (1) Why does he reconstruct Aristotle’s non-argumentative remarks? (2) Why does he identify the syllogistic figure of an argument but does not explicitly present its reconstruction? (3) Why in certain lemmata does he present several reconstructions of the same argument? Addressing these questions, I argue that these puzzling features are an expression of Simplicius’ assumption that formal reasoning underlies Aristotle’s prose, (...)
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    Interpretation as Self-Creation.Iain Thomson - 2003 - Ancient Philosophy 23 (1):195-213.
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    Interpreting Exile: Displacement and Deportation in Biblical and Modern Contexts. Edited by Brad E. Kelle; Frank Ritchel Ames; and Jacob L. Wright. [REVIEW]Vadim Jigoulov - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (3).
    Interpreting Exile: Displacement and Deportation in Biblical and Modern Contexts. Edited by Brad E. Kelle; Frank Ritchel Ames; and Jacob L. Wright. Ancient Israel and Its Literature, vol. 10. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2011. Pp. xiii + 464. $57.95.
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    Language, Truth, and Literary Interpretation: A Cross-cultural Examination.Yanfang Tang - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (1):1-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Language, Truth, and Literary Interpretation: A Cross-cultural ExaminationYanfang TangReflections on the philosophy of language in China and the West suggest that philosophers’ critiques of language center on two issues: its inadequacy and its metaphoricity. The former indicates the inability of the signifier to capture the multiplicity of the signified, whereas the latter reflects the semantic surplus of the signifier over its referent. While modern Western philosophers focus on the (...)
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    Teleological Interpretation in European Legal Tradition.Alexander Dmitrievich Strunskiy - 2021 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 107 (4):616-624.
    The article is devoted to the historical analysis of teleological argumentation evolution in the legal interpretation. The ideas of ancient Greek and Roman orators, philosophers and lawyers, which served as the basis for development of the idea of teleological interpretation in the European legal tradition, are examined. The history of teleological interpretation method development in European legal theory from Medieval jurists to sociological legal approach of the late 19 th and 20 th centuries is observed, as well the existence (...)
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    Evidence, authority, and interpretation: A response to Jason Helms.Carol Poster - 2008 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 41 (3):pp. 288-299.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Evidence, Authority, and Interpretation: A Response to Jason HelmsCarol PosterAs someone with a long-standing interest in Heraclitus, I am delighted that Philosophy and Rhetoric is providing a forum for an ongoing discussion of his work.1 Although Jason Helms and I do disagree on specific matters concerning Heraclitean interpretation, we are, I think, in full agreement concerning the importance of Heraclitus for both rhetorical and philosophical studies and intend these (...)
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    Platonis Timaeus: Interprete Chalcidio Cum Eiusdem Commentario Ad Fidem Librorum Manu Scriptorum - Primary Source Edition.Johann Calcidius, Wrobel & Plato - 2014 - Nabu Press.
    This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections (...)
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    (1 other version)Beneath Interpretation.Richard Shusterman - 1990 - The Monist 73 (2):181-204.
    Kohelet, that ancient postmodern who already remarked that all is vanity and there is nothing new under the sun, also insisted that there is a time for everything: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to break down and a time to build up, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing. There is no mention of a time for interpretation, but surely there is one; and just as surely that time (...)
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    Socrates on philosophy and politics: Ancient and contemporary interpretations.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (149):103-123.
    Socrates can be said to have left the subsequent philosophical tradition with the problem of the relation between philosophy and politics. Already in the Republic the proposal of philosopher-kings represents more a tension than an identity. While Aristotle responds by insisting on a sharp distinction between politics and philosophical wisdom, this distinction proves on closer examination much less sharp than might appear. Heidegger characterizes philosophy as the only authentic politics and the philosopher as ruling just by virtue of being a (...)
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  38. Translating sub specie aeternitatis in Spinoza : problems and interpretations.Pina Totaro - 2012 - In Marco Sgarbi, Translatio studiorum: ancient, medieval and modern bearers of intellectual history. Boston: Brill.
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  39. Interpreting Plato’s Republic: Knowledge and Belief.David C. Lee - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (10):854-864.
    A distinction between knowledge and belief is set out and justified at the end of Book V of Plato’s Republic. The justification is intended to establish the claim of the philosophers to rule in an ideal state. I set out the argument and explain why considerable disagreement remains about the nature of the distinction and the assumptions on which it rests. I discuss the main options for interpreting the justification, briefly assessing their strengths and weaknesses. I conclude with comments on (...)
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    Divine Aesthetics and Symbolic Interpretations: Exploring Religious Themes in Ming and Qing Dynasty Porcelain Calligraphy and Paintings.Teng Zhang - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (2):440-459.
    This study delves into the porcelain calligraphy and painting of the Ming and Qing dynasties, aiming to uncover the spiritual and cultural narratives encapsulated in these artistic expressions. During these eras, marked by the zenith of Chinese porcelain artistry, the incorporation of religious motifs was not merely decorative but a profound reflection of the prevailing religious beliefs, cultural norms, and aesthetic inclinations of the time. This paper conducts a deep analysis of the religious elements manifested in Ming and Qing dynasty (...)
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    Pour interpréter Platon. [REVIEW]I. N. Robins - 1991 - Ancient Philosophy 11 (2):407-413.
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    Plato's First Interpreters (review).A. A. Long - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (1):121-122.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.1 (2003) 121-122 [Access article in PDF] Harold Tarrant. Plato's First Interpreters. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2000. Pp. viii + 263. Cloth, $55.00. This is Tarrant's third book on the ancient Platonist tradition, following his Scepticism or Platonism? (1985) and Thrasyllan Platonism (1993). In those earlier volumes his focus was on the first centuries bc and ad. Here his scope is (...)
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    Plutarch's Maxime Cum Principibus Philosopho Esse Disserendum: An Interpretation with Commentary.Geert Roskam - 2009 - Leuven Up.
    This is illustrated, for instance, by one of Plutarchs short political works, in which he tries to demonstrate that the philosopher should especially associate ...
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    Chrysippus on Determinism and Human Responsibility: A Unitary Interpretation.Manuel Mazzetti - 2021 - Méthexis 33 (1):117-136.
    In this paper I aim to ascribe to Chrysippus two ‘compatibilist’ theories and to explain their differences through the fact that our sources depend on different parts of the philosopher’s corpus. This can be confirmed by a passage in Eusebius and by Chrysippus’ wordy style of writing. In my opinion, Alexander and Nemesius report the more general theory, stating that fate rules everything but employs the nature of each being as a means to accomplish its plans. Cicero and Gellius report (...)
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  45. Stephen R. Semantic Interpretation - 1971 - Foundations of Language 7:387.
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    The Source Critic and the Religious Interpreter.Benjamin D. Sommer - 2006 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 60 (1):9-20.
    Studies that examine both compositional criticism and the history of exegesis can uncover continuity between pre-biblical documents and later religious expression. Two examples are used to demonstrate such trajectories and to explore their interest to a contemporary religious person. Documents underlying descriptions of lawgiving at Sinai in the book of Exodus and texts relating to the eschaton in the book of Isaiah are shown to have deep affiliations with ancient, medieval, and modern trends in Jewish thought which are barely (...)
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    Thinking Non-Interpretively.Charles Scott - 1993 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 1 (1):13-40.
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  48. (1 other version)Plato and Allegorical Interpretation.J. Tate - 1929 - Classical Quarterly 23 (3-4):142-.
    Allegorical interpretation of the ancient Greek myths began not with the grammarians, but with the philosophers. As speculative thought developed, there grew up also the belief that in mystical and symbolic terms the ancient poets had expressed profound truths which were difficult to define in scientifically exact language. Assuming that the myth-makers were concerned to edify and to instruct, the philosophers found in apparent immoralities and impieties a warning that both in offensive and in inoffensive passages one must (...)
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    In Dialogue with Classical Indian Traditions: Encounter, Transformation and Interpretation.Brian Black & Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad (eds.) - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
    Dialogue is a recurring and significant component of Indian religious and philosophical literature. Whether it be as a narrative account of a conversation between characters within a text, as an implied response or provocation towards an interlocutor outside the text, or as a hermeneutical lens through which commentators and modern audiences can engage with an ancient text, dialogue features prominently in many of the most foundational sources from classical India. Despite its ubiquity, there are very few studies that explore (...)
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  50. The rich and the poor on the spectrum in 1 Timothy 6:17–19: A text-centred interpretation.Tsholofelo J. Kukuni - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 81 (1):7.
    This article applies a novel rhetorical approach, ‘text-generated persuasion interpretation’ (TGPI), to 1 Timothy 6:17–19, exploring its relevance to South Africa, particularly the national poverty line (NPL). Rooted in South Africa’s socio-economic realities, the interpretation reflects the fluid nature of wealth and poverty, requiring regular updates to the NPL by Statistics South Africa (STATS SA) because of the evolving cost of living. This fluidity is also evident in the socio-economic context of ancient Ephesus, to which 1 Timothy 6:17 pertains. (...)
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